One day to go! Have you registered yet? A series of discussions and dialogues important for our future. It’s all FREE but registration is required for both onsite and online participation.
Message from the organizers
Keynote Addresses
Surichai WUN'GAEO Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University
Alison GOPNIK *online Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley
FUJIWARA Kiichi Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo and Special Advisor to the President, Chiba University
Plenary Talk Session(Discussion by keynote speakers)
SATO Jin Professor and Deputy-Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo
Business Leaders' Session
New Horizons for the Global Economy through Collaboration between Japan and Korea — Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mind Together —
Right now, the world needs cooperation across national borders, and to take a bold step towards a sustainable future. In this session, business leaders, social entrepreneurs, investors, and university researchers from South Korea and Japan gather to start dialogue between businesses and academic institutions on how to shape tomorrow. While exchanging candid opinions on what path the future of the East Asia region should take, academic institutions and the economic world will work together to think of a message for the next generation.
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Panel Discussion 1
Why Are Robots Questioning Humanity?
Robots were designed to perform repetitive tasks for humans, but modern robots possess a level of intelligence and autonomy that blurs the lines between human and machine. Why do robots now challenge our definition of humanity? Speakers from robotics, philosophy and the performing arts will discuss.
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Youth Session
In line with this year’s theme, 10 students from universities in South Korea and the University of Tokyo will share fresh perspectives and opinions on the issues of particular interest, such as the relationships between AI and humanities, low birth rates in South Korea and Japan, and environmental injustice.
Pre-Forum Messages from Student Panelists Message 1 Message 2 Message 3 Message 4 Message 5 Message 6 Message 7
University Presidents' Session
The Role of Universities in the Era of Digital Transformation
How should we approach digital technologies, such as evolving AI? What can we do when disparity and division are on the rise? What is the future of universities as they face change? Leaders of prestigious academic institutions in South Korea and Japan exchange prospects on the role and ideal future of higher education in rapidly-changing modern-day society.
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Panel Discussion 2
Bridging the Social Divide: How to Safeguard the Global Commons and Rebuild Humanity
Our world suffers from increasing social divisions. Even multilateral cooperation lacks its effectiveness in maintaining the international order. Is there a way to bridge these divisions through digital platforms, rules, and business practices? Join us in this dialogue to safeguard the global commons and rebuild humanity.
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