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東京フォーラム 2019 Shaping the Future 講演者 リ・コンホ


ENUMA 共同創立者、チーフエンジニア
Gunho Lee is Co-Founder and Chief Engineer of Enuma. Since the ed-tech company is established in Berkeley, California (2012), he has devoted himself to build engaging learning solutions that empower ALL children, including those with special needs or without access to resources, to be independent learners. Most recently, he focused on developing Kitkit School that teaches basic literacy and math skills to out-of-school children in rural areas. After a large-scale 15-months field test, Kitkit School showed significant learning gains and won the $15M Global Learning XPRIZE competition in May 2019.

As an International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) gold medalist (1993) and ACM-ICPC world finalist (2001, 8th place and Asia champion), his passion lies in building software that influences and improves people’s lives. After graduating from Seoul National University with BS(1999) and MS(2001) in Computer Engineering, he joined NCSOFT where he observed rapid growth and expansion of digital online entertainment industry. Just before starting Enuma, he received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley (2012)