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IoT, AI and Hardware Industries (Value Creation: Responsible Consumption and Production (Goal 12 in SDGs))

Products have been the center of the value in the capital intensive society until now. An inclusive society is expected to be realized by promoting the ever progressing knowledge-intensive society. Creation of new values is necessary in such knowledge-intensive society with the use of data and its application indispensable to realize such a society. From these points of view, the latest technological trends of AI, IoT, Robotics and Big Data, its effect on the economy, how we consider the value creation including services, the relation with the mind and soul, as well as ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’ are discussed in this session.


光石 衛
東京大学 大学執行役・副学長、大学院工学系研究科機械工学専攻教授、前大学院工学系研究科長・工学部長、工学博士
ノースウェスタン大学 教授