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TOKYO FORUM 2022 Shaping the Future SPEAKERS Dermot MORAN
Online Panelist

Dermot MORAN

Professor of Philosophy, Boston College
Dermot Moran is the Joseph Chair in Catholic Philosophy, Boston College. He was previously professor at University College Dublin. Member of the Royal Irish Academy and Institut International de Philosophie. Publications include: Introduction to Phenomenology (2000), Edmund Husserl: Founder of Phenomenology (2005), Husserl’s Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (2012) and, with Joseph Cohen, Husserl Dictionary (2012). A Festschrift for his 65th birthday appeared as Phenomenology, Empathy, and Intersubjectivity: New Approaches. The Continued Relevance of Phenomenology. Essays in Honour of Dermot Moran, ed. Anna Bortolan and Elisa Magrì (DeGruyter 2022).