The world has seen an acceleration in geopolitical division and discord. Human history has never been free of strife, but the lessons of repeated wars have led us to pursue a society free of conflicts and to stabilize order. However, those rules and disciplines that have been established through human wisdom have gradually broken down, lost its efficacy, and now, the new era of globalization is causing insecurity and unpredictability to our world.
At the same time, the development of new digital technologies, including data science and artificial intelligence, are impacting us humans both physically and mentally. While they are removing existing environmental and physical constraints and enabling people to play a wider range of roles, these technologies have the potential to fortify surveillance by authorities, and reinforce human biases. As the boundaries between machines and humans are becoming increasingly blurred, the fundamental question of “what does it mean to be human being?” must be revisited.
In order to overcome these challenges, academic institutions now must play a role as a unifying force gathering intelligence and insights from the public, private sectors, and government administrations. Our mission is to encourage conversations between various areas of study and make sure they speak out. This year’s Tokyo Forum will bring together the expertise of both technological sciences and social sciences, to explore how humanity can respond to the global problems we face today amid social divisions and digital transformation.
13:30 - 14:00
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University
14:00 - 14:30
Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley
14:30 - 15:00
Visiting Professor, UTokyo Institute for Future Initiatives and Special Advisor to the President, Chiba University
15:15 - 16:15
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University
Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley
Visiting Professor, UTokyo Institute for Future Initiatives and Special Advisor to the President, Chiba University
Professor and Deputy-Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo
16:30 - 18:00
New Horizons for the Global Economy through Collaboration between Japan and Korea — Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Mind Together —
President, The University of Tokyo
Chairman, SK Group
Chairman, Korea-Japan Economic Association /
Chairman, Samyang Group
Chairman, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry /
Corporate Advisor, Mitsubishi Corporation
Senior Advisor, Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.
Founder & CEO, Women' s Startup Lab
Managing Partner, Saehan Ventures
Professor, Department of Technology Management for Innovation (TMI), Graduate School of Engineering Deputy Director General, Division of University Corporate Relations (DUCR) The University of Tokyo
10:30 - 11:30
Why Are Robots Questioning Humanity?
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Associate Professor, Philosophy, École Normale Supérieure Paris
Performance Artist
Robotics Scientist, Professor (Distinguished Professor), Graduate School of Engineering Science, Department of Systems Innovation, Osaka University
Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST
13:00 - 13:05
13:05 - 14:05
14:15 - 15:15
The Role of Universities in the Era of Digital Transformation
President, The University of Tokyo
President, Seoul National University
President, Ewha Womans University
President, Tsuda University
15:30 - 16:30
Bridging the Social Divide: How to Safeguard the Global Commons and Rebuild Humanity
Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, Center for Global Commons, The University of Tokyo
Professor, Institute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University
Professor, School of Computing, KAIST
Chief Investigator, IBS
Professor, University of Strathclyde, UK
16:45 - 17:45
President, The University of Tokyo
Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo
17:45 - 18:00
President, The University of Tokyo
President, Chey Institute for Advanced Studies
Former Ambassador to The United Nations
2023 Tokyo Forum
FUJII Teruo | President, The University of Tokyo |
PARK In-Kook | President, Chey Institute for Advanced Studies |
HAYASHI Kaori | Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo |
SEKIMURA Naoto | Vice President, The University of Tokyo |
YAGUCHI Yujin | Vice President, The University of Tokyo |
NOTOMI Noburu | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
MURAO Mio | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
YAGI Nobuyuki | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
SUZUKI Aya | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
SUZUKI Kazuto | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
NAKAJIMA Takahiro | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
SATO Jin | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
KIM Yong-Hak | Professor (the 18th President), Yonsei University |
LEE Suk-Jae | Professor, Seoul National University |
SOHN Jie-Ae | Ambassador for Cultural Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
YOO Chang-Dong | Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) |
CHA Mee-Young | Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) |
LEE Jae-Seung | Professor, Korea University |
HAYASHI Kaori | Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo |
SEKIMURA Naoto | Vice President, The University of Tokyo |
YAGUCHI Yujin | Vice President, The University of Tokyo |
NOTOMI Noburu | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
MURAO Mio | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
YAGI Nobuyuki | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
SUZUKI Aya | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
SUZUKI Kazuto | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
NAKAJIMA Takahiro | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
SATO Jin | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
AIHARA Hiroaki | Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo |
ISHII Naoko | Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo |
MATSUBARA Kentaro | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
FUJISHIRO Mitsuhiro | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
TANAKA Masaaki | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
IIZUKA Toshiaki | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
MOROZUMI Akiko | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
UCHIYAMA Masanobu | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
OGUISO Keiji | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
SARUWATARI Hiroshi | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
ITATSU Yuko | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
MUTO Kaori | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
MIYAKE Hiroe | Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo |
HAYASHI Tomonobu | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
ASHIHARA Satoshi | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
MATSUKATA Fuyuko | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
OKADA Yuki | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
OGIO Shoichi | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
OKA Takashi | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
MAKINO Mitsutaku | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
MAKIHARA Izuru | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
YOKOYAMA Hiromi | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
FUKUSHI Kensuke | Professor, The University of Tokyo |
MINO Takashi | Project Professor, The University of Tokyo |
KIM Yong-Hak | Professor (the 18th President), Yonsei University |
LEE Suk-Jae | Professor, Seoul National University |
SOHN Jie-Ae | Ambassador for Cultural Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
YOO Chang-Dong | Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) |
CHA Mee-Young | Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) |
LEE Jae-Seung | Professor, Korea University |